May Is Women Riders Month
May is designated as Women Riders Month by Harley-Davidson to encourage more women to ride their own motorcycles.
According to Geoff Hebert, general manager of Cajun Harley-Davidson, ridership among women is up.
In the 1980s, only 8% of all riders were women. Today, that number is closer to 15%. - Geoff Hebert, General Manager/Cajun Harley-Davidson
Each year, Yvonne Menard, the Social Media Director for the Cajun Harley Owners Group, organizes a ride to celebrate women riders, and everyone is asked to wear pink!
The ride left Cajun Harley-Davidson and took back roads to Breaux Bridge. At that point, the ride entered I-10 East to meet up with other HOG groups from across the state at Butte la Rose.
From Butte la Rose, a levee ride down to Catahoula and through the beautiful back roads of Acadiana led us back to Pat's in Henderson for lunch.
It was a beautiful day for a ride with great friends, and we even had the opportunity to make new ones!