Louisiana’s Favorite Swear Word? It’s a Southern Favorite
A recent survey has discovered that residents of Louisiana actually do have a favorite swear word and because the word we love to not say in front of our mothers is so versatile we've managed to use it as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and I am pretty sure a few other parts of speech. Heck, I am sure someone somewhere even has this as their nickname.
The website Wordtips calibrated and calculated what each state's favorite swear word would be based mainly on the social media platform Twitter. The site analyzed how often a certain word or phrase was included in Tweets from residents of that state. And, because ours is versatile with a wide range of uses, it was determined that we like to use it a lot.
But as far as expletives go we, the great citizens of Louisiana were not the most prolific in our use of "blue language". Apparently, the folks in Georgia have a lot to curse about. I mean they do have the Falcons and sometimes the way the Braves play I can understand the need to verbally expel disdain and disgust.
The folks in Georgia average about 48 curse words per 1000 tweets according to a story on Mental Floss. The people in Maryland and New Mexico ran a close second and third while the good folks of Minnesota used "foul language" to the tune of 15 bad words per 1,000 tweets. Louisiana residents only tweet out 39 curse words per 1,000 tweets, so we are in the middle of the pack.
If you're wanting to see how the entire cursing landscape of the United States breaks down you can see the Mental Floss complete story here. You can find out what each state's favorite curse word is right here. And to see how prolific the purveyors of foul language are in each state you can click right here.
Or if you'd like to get all the intricate details and a lot of other cool facts about the words we say but tell our mothers we don't you can check out the original story from Wordtips.
So, what is Louisiana's favorite curse word? Let's just say we all do it and no one wants to step in it. It rhymes with HITS and can be made by using the same four letters. I am pretty sure you've figured out that the colloquial term for manure is our state's favorite curse word.
It's also the favorite curse word of the South. Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,Florida, and Georgia and 11 other states all ascribe to the same foul-smelling favorite curse word.
The word that starts with F and sounds like "truck" was popular on the West Coast and in Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado, while the good people of Kansas liked adding the word "mother" to their version of it. It's "firetruck", right? Along with "mother firetruck".
Midwesterners opted for Hell in places like Nebraska, the Dakotas, Missouri, and Minnesota, while residents of Iowa preferred an off-color reference to "cats" as their favorite impolite word to say in mixed company. Residents of Alaska preferred the male counterpart to the Iowa word if you know what I mean.
Again we don't condone the use of such language, unless conditions warrant during a sporting event, in traffic, when there's a hurricane, or we see something stupid on Facebook. Just remember we didn't say or write any of these words, it's your own imagination that needs to get washed out with soap,
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