If you are sporting anything from a 'goatee' to a 'ZZ', you might want to check out the Louisiana Beard & Facial Hair Association's competition!


The Louisiana Beard & Facial Hair Association has only been in existence for a short while, but interest in the group is growing.  I attended one of their first meetings and was pleasantly surprised to see a few familiar (and partially hidden) faces!

My reason for having a beard has much less to do with the way it makes me look than the fact that I was forced to shave for almost 5 years (sometimes twice a day) while I was in the Army.  My reasons for hanging out with the Louisiana Beard & Facial Hair Association?  There are two:  1)They are a great group of guys (and a couple of cool women), and 2) I like beer.

The first meeting that I attended was back in January, and I met some great people, had some great beer, and was given the inspiration to enter a beard contest (you can still vote for my beard, btw.  Granted, my beard is no way near as epic as Jason Leonard's.  He is the founder of the LB&FHA).

Jason P. Leonard, founder of Louisiana Beard & Facial Hair Association


The next meeting will be held on Friday, at Blue Moon Saloon in Lafayette, and it's not just a meeting:  it's a full-grown competition!! (You see what I did there?!?) There will be bands to provide the music, and food trucks to provide the grub.  You can click on the  Eventbrite posting for a list of the categories in the contest (ladies, you are included as well!).  Sponsors for the event include Firehouse Moustache Wax and Downtown T-Shirts.

LB&FHA Poster
LB&FHA Poster (Facebook)


Here is the "Official Notice" that was posted in the Daily Advertiser, and posted on Facebook:

Advertiser Beard
Daily Advertiser (Facebook)


If you have it, or if you want it, if you love it, or if you simply loathe it and want to torture yourself and come to the competition/concert/feast/party: facial hair is "in" at the Louisiana Beard & Facial Hair Association's event!

(Invitations were sent out, but we haven't gotten an RSVP yet from Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Bert Reynolds, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Abraham Lincoln, Rosie O'Donnell or any of the members of ZZ Top.)

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