As we look forward to the fall season in Louisiana, one Facebook user is going viral for her brutally honest advice.

Tilly Landry says she was combing through the Louisiana Gardening Facebook Page in hopes of figuring out how to tame her "corn stalk-sized coleus from all the "biblical proportions of rain" that we've been experiencing lately when she noticed someone asking "a touristy question" about where they could see fall foliage in Louisiana.

Phil Henry, Unsplash
Phil Henry, Unsplash

As a self-described "local couch tour guide," Landry publicly responded that "Hobby Lobby" would be her "best bet."

Tilly's comment was picked up by numerous local Facebook pages and almost instantly became a viral meme as Louisiana isn't very known for having much of a fall season.

She had no clue her comment would get as much attention as it has, but she's glad it's making people smile.

I didn’t think the response would go viral, but I’m happy I amused myself and others and hope I saved any earnest Louisiana travelers from autumnal disappointment.

I've often referred to our fall season as Finter because things seem to transition from miserable humid heat to miserable cold fronts with a few weeks in between that offer up the slightest bit of autumnal vibes.

Mick Haupt, Unsplash
Mick Haupt, Unsplash

Faye Hoffpauer is responsible for the original question and she is also happy to see the post get so much attention, but she says she wishes that more people were knowledgeable of all of the visual beauty that our great state has to offer.

I asked her if she knew of any areas in Louisiana where we can see colorful leaves, trees, and other fall foliage and she definitely had a few good suggestions that I wasn't aware of.

I hear Toledo Bend area and North Louisiana have beautiful fall colors. It’s pretty much known that Southwest Louisiana is a bit lacking… however, we do get a slight change in colors.

As fall approaches, you can make a quick trip to those spots for a glimpse of fall—but if you don't have a chance to make the trek, Landry says aisle 6 is the best for photo ops. ;)

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