Lafayette Consolidated Government Household Hazardous Waste Day Saturday, June 4
How do you properly dispose of paint, pesticides, or old gas sitting around in cans around your garage? Simple, you let Lafayette Consolidated Government properly dispose of them for you!
Household Hazardous Waste Day
Lafayette Consolidated Government will be holding its next "Household Hazardous Waste Day" Saturday, June 4, 2022.
The hazardous waste collection day will be from 8 am until noon at the Northgate Mall, and residents are asked to enter the parking lot from Castille Avenue.
LCG's "Household Hazardous Waste Day" is open to Lafayette City and Unincorporated Lafayette Parish Residents.
Proper I.D. with proof of residency will be required.
From lafayettela.gov -
"Improper disposal of household chemicals can pose a threat to health, contaminate land, air, and water supplies and cause injury to staff collecting our garbage.
Ensure all liquid items are secure as leaky containers will not be accepted."
Electronics will not be accepted at this event.
Items accepted at "Household Hazardous Waste Day"
- Alkaline Batteries
- Chemical Cleaners
- Fluorescent Tubes
- Gasoline
- Herbicides
- Mercury Thermometers
- Paint & Paint Products
- Paint Thinner & Stripper
- Pesticides
- Photographic Chemicals
- Pool Chemicals
- Stains
- Turpentine
Items not accepted at "Household Hazardous Waste Day"
- X - NO Antifreeze
- X - NO Appliances
- X - NO Automotive or Rechargeable Batteries
- X - NO Commercial Waste
- X - NO Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
- X - NO Compressed Gas Cylinders
- X - NO Copiers
- X - NO CRT Monitors
- X - NO Electronics
- X - NO Fire/Smoke Detectors
- X - NO Medical Waste
- X - NO Medicine
- X - NO Motor Oil
- X - NO PCB Oil
- X - NO Printers
- X - NO Radioactive Material
- X - NO Tires
- X - NO Television Sets
For more information head over to lafayettela.gov.
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