People Do Insane Things, We Can’t Help But Watch (Video)
People will certainly do interesting things just for the thrill of it.
Skydiving is very popular as is the traditional Running with the Bulls in Spain.
The Miami Heat mascot taking a punch from Connor McGregor is certainly way to go as well.
Appearing to take it to the next level is the Ladies Steer Scramble at the Johnson County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo.
Tik-Tok videos show about two dozen women getting in the arena with what was supposed to be a calf, but was a Bull instead.
From the Fort Worth Telegram
The steer found its next mark on its left, a woman standing by herself with no one else within 20 feet. She, too, took a charge to the abdomen and was taken down to her back. A group of six women then went after the steer, while the rest hid as far as possible from its wrath.
There is nothing on the Johnson County Sheriff Rodeo website about an official Ladies Steer Scramble, but that didn't stop it from happening.
More from the Fort Worth Telegram
Mary Ann Guzman also commented, “I can’t believe the ladies stood there like COME GET ME I was there and it wasn’t a calf, this should no longer be in the entertainment part of the rodeo! Especially if it’s supposed to be a calf and you’re faced with a BULL.”