A Man in Texas Is Making $250,000 per Month Selling Buc-ee’s Snacks Online
It's no secret that Buc-ee's is super popular. Just about anytime one opens up, social media is abuzz with questions and speculation about the gas station chain opening somewhere in Louisiana.
One of the reasons it's so popular is its snacks. People love stopping there and stocking up on snacks for the long road ahead. Unfortunately, Buc-ee's snacks aren't available just anywhere. You have to stop at one to buy those snacks. If you want some at home, you've got to buy extra.

A man in Texas man named Chris Koerner realized there was a better way (and one that he could capitalize on), according to MySanAntonio.com.
"I was like, ‘Wait, what? Buc-ee’s doesn’t have an online store?’ It was like a lightbulb. There’s a huge opportunity here," he told the Hustle.
Koerner reached out to Buc-ee's, asking if the brand wanted to partner up. He knew online distribution and Buc-ee's had the beaver nuggets. He didn't get a response.
“It was crickets,” he says. “So, I decided to do it myself.”
Koerner walked into a Buc-ee's, filled six shopping carts full, paid $1,500 at check-out, and went home to set up a website to sell the snacks.
He built "BeaverSnax.com," and it was off to the races. At least, until he got an email from Buc-ee's.
Right away, a lawyer for Buc-ee's reached out with the kind of email that people like Koerner dread. But instead of filing a cease-and-desist, the company merely requested that he change the name of the reselling business to something without the word "Beaver." They also asked that he make clear on his website that he was not affiliated with Buc-ee's.
His operation has grown quite a bit since he renamed the site, which is now "TexasSnax.com."
Koerner makes around $250,000 per month selling Buc-ee's snacks and merchandise through his site, proving that it's a pretty sure bet that people love Buc-ee's enough to order its goods from an online store.