I was brought up in a household that discouraged the use of the word "hate" so when I read the results of a recent survey about working in Louisiana I must admit I was taken aback by the claim that one in six Louisiana workers "hates" their boss. Strongly dislike, don't trust, don't understand, don't like the methods, I can understand but "hate" is the kind of word the suggests an outcome where lawyers, doctors, or morticians could be forced to get involved.

Let's look at the study and see if we can't fine-tune a few observations.

Zippia a career website polled about 2,000 people nationwide and asked workers about their bosses. They were asked about how likeable those in charge were and what things those in charge did that left a disapproving taste in their mouths.

On a national level, the most disliked traits a boss could have would be those of incompetence, micromanaging, and not being available. If you add rude to the mix then you've just covered the top reasons why people in Louisiana don't care for their supervisors.

Physical distance also plays a part in how workers related to those in charge. The further away the boss happens to be, the more likely and more strong feelings of dissatisfaction and dislike were likely to be present. Workers liked bosses who were present and involved, as long as that involvement did not include micromanaging.

Louisiana ranked fourth in the country in what the survey calls "quit rate". About 59% of those surveyed said they had actually quit a job because they didn't care for the person in charge or the way that person handled their business.

Overall Louisiana ranked 10th in a list of states where people dislike their bosses the most. New Mexico was the state where workers hated their supervisors more than any other state. Meanwhile, in Mississippi almost everybody loves their boss, or they were too afraid to speak out against them in this survey.


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