Brain Scientist Jill Bolte Has A Stroke, The One Video You MUST Watch [VIDEO]
Brain Scientist Dr. Jill Bolte suffered a stroke and has put her experience in a video that you must see. If there is only one video you watch this week or even this year, it has to be this one.
My mother passed away from a stroke about a year and a half ago. To have a brain scientist have have a stroke and live to tell about what was happening from the inside out, is profound.
However, this video is more about peace within us and in the world than it is about having a stroke. I can't remember the last time I was so moved by a video.
You should watch this video and share it with everyone you know. Please do it for yourself and as favor to my mom and me.
Thank you, CJ
Brain Scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Describes Having A Stroke