As Barbers and Salons Reopen, Appointments Will Be a Necessity
As Louisiana begins Phase 1 of opening back up (05/15/20), many people will be rushing to local barber shops and salons for haircuts. However, due to high demand and social distancing guidelines, walk-in appointments probably won't happen anytime soon.
Steve Young, Director of the State Board of Cosmetology, tells WWL.Radio.com that people will not be able to just walk in and get a haircut like they did before. Calling ahead and setting appointments will be necessary at all establishments.
Obviously with barber shops and salons being closed sense March, the demand will be at an all-time high. Coupled with the new social distancing guidelines and many places may even offer extended hours to help accommodate the demand.
Young tells WWL.Radio.com -
"It’s going to be a little bit hard for people to realize they can’t just walk in. They are going to have to go and wait or make an appointment and be there at the appointed time."
Getting a haircut is just one of many things moving forward that will be quite different than before the COVID-19 pandemic, at least for the foreseeable future.
But hey, if it all means being able to stay safe and not put others in danger, then a little extra planning and patience is the small price we have to pay.
Read more over at WWL.Radio.com.
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