April 12 Birthdays with Janet
It’s Janet! If you've ever heard Janet's Joke of the Day, you know she's a hoot. In case you're not familiar with her, Janet is our lovely and fun receptionist. When you pick up a prize, she's the one who will take care of you. She might even moonwalk for you, or tell you a joke. One day, we asked her if she'd read the names on the birthday list for us, and she was such a hit, we decided to keep her! She is now our official birthday and anniversary announcer! We apologize in advance for mistakes, but nowadays, we get most of the names electronically and they don't usually come with pronunciations.
If you have a name to add to Janet’s list for the future, CLICK HERE. If you have a joke for her, email her at Janet.Theriot@townsquaremedia.com. We'd love to add you or your friends and family to the list! As a matter of fact, if you submit the names via facebook or the website, you can add them to the list automatically months in advance. That way, you won't miss anybody.
We put all the names on our list for each week into a drawing, and on Friday, we choose a winner for gourmet cupcakes from Piece of Cake, and an exclusive Janet’s Joke of the Day t-shirt from Hulco Printers! You can pick up your prize Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.
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