Anti-Litter Poster Contest For High School Students in Lafayette
Everyone knows we have a huge litter problem in Lafayette and it has to stop. This is a very creative way to get the young citizens in our community involved and they can win cash. The Lafayette Garden Club, Parish Proud, and the Bayou Vermilion Preservation Association are asking students in our community to participate in the annual Anti-Litter Poster Contest.
This is a great way to educate students on the importance of reducing the litter problem in our community and to create an interest in projects that enhance and beautify our area. The poster contest goes hand-in-hand with Louisiana’s Cleanest City Contest.
The 2021 contest is open to high school students in Lafayette Parish’s public and private schools only. They will be adding elementary and middle schools next year. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive cash prizes. All submitted posters will be judged on March 17, 2021 at the Lafayette City Hall Auditorium. Select posters will be showcased at area businesses to bring awareness to the local impacts of litter. The winning posters will be displayed for the district and state judges.
Contest Guidelines:
- Entries may be submitted on any size white posters, half-posters, etc.
- Students are allowed to use any color, but keep in mind darker colors photograph better than lighter ones.
- Glitter is NOT allowed.
- A slogan isn’t necessary, but the combination of an illustration and brief slogan is most effective. If using a slogan, letters must be large and clear enough to be legible (3-7 word catch phrases usually work best).
- The poster contest is about anti-litter so we encourage poster entries to be theme specific.
- Write name of student, grade, school, teacher and teacher’s phone number on back of poster.
- Notify Sue Scott via email at pscott@lafayettela.gov if students from your school will be participating to coordinate poster pick up.
- Posters will be collected from the school March 11 – March 16, 2021.
- Judging will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at the Lafayette City Hall Auditorium and winners will be notified via teachers on Thursday, March 18, 2021.
- The cash prizes will be presented to the poster winners before the Lafayette Parish Council meeting on March 23, 2021. Students and parents should arrive about 4:40 pm.
This is a fantastic way to showcase Lafayette students' perspectives for a litter-free community. I’m looking forward to seeing all of the creativity.
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