In recent years we've reported on alligators being in places that you would not expect to see them, and now an alligator was spotted once again near a beach in Galveston, Texas.

For various reasons, more and more alligators are showing up. in saltwater areas, where you least expect to see them, and this has become a growing concern for some beachgoers.

While many who visit the beach often keep an eye out for sharks or other dangerous marine life, we rarely think to look out for alligators---until now.

Is this the new threat in the gulf or have alligators always been out in the salt water and we're seeing more of them now because everyone has a phone with a camera?

Whatever the case is, this is concerning and you need to be aware of this potential threat while out in the water this summer.

Here's an alligator in the water in Galveston, Texas, and as you can see, it isn't far from the shore. We're just glad that someone spotted it in the water before it got too close to anyone who may have been in the water at this time.

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Gallery Credit: Meg Dowdy

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