Your bed can be a bad place for you.  No matter how expensive your bedding or how much you paid for the mattress, your bed is not as great a place as you think.

Suzanne Plunkett - Pool , Getty Images

A study from 2005 found it's healthier if you DO NOT make your bed everyday.  Making your bed will help make the house look more together, but will not be a good thing for your health.

This will probably gross you out, but your bed has about 1.5 million dust mites living in it.  You can't see them with the naked eye.  You'd need a microscope to see them, but they are there.  Doesn't matter how clean you are or how cold you keep the house, they are there.  They feed off your dead skin.  And they love the moisture from your body.

Dust mites make your allergens act up.  You inhale their allergens while you sleep, which is bad for your allergies.  That's why is good to keep dust mite population down.

Dust mite live in warm moist environments.  Your bed is the perfect home for dust mites.  When you sweat at night, your moisture and warmth make perfect living conditions for dust mites to live and breed.

Making your bed traps your sweat and moisture in but if you don't make it, it dries.  The fresh air and lack of moisture will kill a lot of dust mites.  Sleep tight!

[Via:  The Loop / BBC News]

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