I have to admit that I'm pretty bad when it comes to checking Facebook notifications. I've sometimes found a friend request or two that have gone unanswered for months. I'm usually better about checking messages, especially since Messenger notifies me when I receive a message.

I recently found out from a friend that there is a category of messages in the Facebook messages folder called 'Other.' I had no idea this was here and wouldn't have ever noticed it had a friend not made the discovery and shared it on her wall. The 'Other' category is for messages from people/pages/groups that you haven't connected with on Facebook. Most of the stuff in my 'Other' folder was junk, but I was glad to find a nice message from a friend of a Facebook friend among the junk.

If you haven't already found your 'Other' folder, check for it the next time you're on the desktop version of Facebook, as this folder is not visible in the Messenger app. You might find a pleasant surprise or two among the junk.

Click the button below for more on the 'Other' folder from Facebook.


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