
Check Date Before Sharing
Check Date Before Sharing
Check Date Before Sharing
I don't know why someone would want to share this story again, other than to just cause confusion and strike fear into people's hearts!
Facebook Owns You
Facebook Owns You
Facebook Owns You
We've all seen people post what they think are disclaimers on their Facebook page. It usually starts with, "I grant no one permission"... It doesn't work that way...
Is Facebook Listening?
Is Facebook Listening?
Is Facebook Listening?
How many times have you asked yourself, "How does Facebook know that I am interested in this?" I know that I have asked myself this many times, so now I ask, "Is Facebook listening to my conversations or things I'm listening to?"
Beware Bogus Friend Requests
Beware Bogus Friend Requests
Beware Bogus Friend Requests
This is likely the work of a hacker. I get a lot of these. Many of my friends do, too. These come in waves. Over a billion people use Facebook. Many become easy targets for malicious hackers.

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