Who says you can't wear white after Labor Day? When you are Jennifer Hudson and you look this good in sparkly white on the December cover of Redbook, we say wear white all year round! Plus, it's a festive and appropriate shade for the holidays. Hudson covers up her chest and her arms, with the long-sleeved frock, but look at her  glowy, sheeny legs! Nice choice for showing off those gams, J. Hud.

The issue lands on Nov. 13, and the singer/actress spoke about not losing anymore weight and her decision to start her own clothing line.

She is happy with her current shape, saying, "I’m at the weight I want to be. But I hear all the time, 'Don’t lose any more weight, you need to stop.' People are under the impression that I’m still losing but I’m not." There you have it. She has reached her goal weight, so leave her alone. Her body is still adapting.

J. Hud's new shape has changed how she shops, and she is able to pick out medium or small items, as opposed to large or extra-large pieces of clothing. That likely inspired her decision to start her own clothing line. "I know what I like, and that’s what it’s all about," Hudson said. "It’s like, who’s your fashion icon? Me. And no one but you knows what you feel most comfortable in. I look at each piece and think, 'Could I wear that as big Jennifer or could I wear that now?' I want to consider every girl."

Sounds like it'll be a successful venture, since she is keeping customers of all sizes in mind.

Watch the Jennifer Hudson 'Where You At' Video

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