Sometimes, it's the "little things" in life.That's particularly true in broadcast media. Vending machines are a bigger hit with us than video poker with the Geritol set...
In a move that will probably delight and disgust convenience store shoppers at the same time, 7-11 has begun offering mashed potatoes and gravy via a vending machine. Alas, the machines aren’t available here in the US yet. As strange as it sounds, we’d probably be first on line if they were.
When we get hungry during the show, usually all we have to do is go buy something out of the vending machine and eat it, then someone will show up with a tray of cookies or a plate of something delicious wrapped in aluminum foil. So today, I decided to take one for the team and plunked my 50 cents in the machine. There was a glitch today. Here's what happened...