darth vader

13 Groom's Cakes That Are Undeniably From Louisiana
13 Groom's Cakes That Are Undeniably From Louisiana
13 Groom's Cakes That Are Undeniably From Louisiana
After talking to someone from out of town we realized that Louisiana has a tasty wedding tradition that not many people partake in elsewhere. It may be a Southern thing, but it is absolutely a Louisiana tradition. Anyone who attends a wedding reception expects there to be a wedding cake of some sort but here in Louisiana not only do we have a traditional wedding cake but we also have a groom's cake.
Santa Vader
Santa Vader
Santa Vader
Darth Vader's most famous line might be "You don't know the power of the dark side!" With Christmas upon us and the seventh installment of "Star Wars" smashing box office records, Darth Vader decided grab his candy cane light saber, and wreak a little holiday havoc...