Robert Pattinson Doesn’t Get What Twihards Do All Day, Still Hates Being Called R-Patz
Robert Pattinson's role in the 'Twilight' franchise made him very rich and very famous. And while he's expressed gratitude for the opportunities the films have afforded him, he's also made it abundantly clear he's ready to move on. And he wishes everyone else would, too.
"The real odd thing about this 'Twilight' target group is that they aren’t really teenagers," Pattinson told Germany's Interview magazine (quotes via InTouch) about the most die-hard fans. "Most of them are older."
"'Twilight' has its own parallel world, its own fan culture that has been forming on the net since day one," Pattinson continued. "And in an intense way that has never existed before. Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with 'Twilight.'"
But if you are going to talk about him, don't call him "R-Patz." He really, really hates it. "I'd like to strangle the guy who came up with it!" he said in the interview. And it turns out he knows exactly who did, but he won't name names, saying only the dude is "some fat celebrity blogger."
This sit-down isn't the first time Pattinson has seemed to bite the frenzied hands that feed him. Last year, someone put together a video compilation of Pattinson's most hilarious put-downs about 'Twilight,' in which he swiped at the books, the characters, his salary for playing Edward -- and yes, his hatred of the nickname R-Patz.