As federal workers miss their first paycheck today, Congress is collecting the same pay they were before the shutdown began last month. The reason is simple, according to the constitution. Congress sets its own salary that is paid out by the treasury. The President and the executive branch is also paid directly by the treasury. Federal workers are paid through appropriations that fund the departments as a whole.

In an interview on Fox Business Network, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) says Congress should refuse their pay during the shutdown.

Last month, the progressive newcomer to congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it was unacceptable that Congress paid themselves as American workers sat out of work on furloughed. It should not be surprising that Congress as a whole has an approval rating lower than 5%.

In an intervie with KPEL, 3rd district Acadiana Congressman Clay Higgins says he is not receiving his pay during this shutdown.

The same is true for 4th district Congressman Mike Johnson. He is also not getting paid during the shutdown.

A representative from Senator Bill Cassidy's office says, "He will be paid just as all federal employees will be." That was the answer Bernadette Lee reiceived when she asked, "Is he currently still taking pay?

Congressman Ralph Abraham says that he is not spending/taking the pay. It is being held. He will not get paid until federal workers get paid, and the shutdown is over.

We are waiting on word from:

  • Congressman Steve Scalise
  • Congressman Cedric Richmond
  • Senator John Kennedy



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