After Portrait of Franklin Couple Found in Louisiana Dump, the Search was On
A Louisiana man came across a portrait while at the city landfill in Franklin and knew he had to take action.
Chad Boutte posted a photo on social media with the question..."anyone recognize this couple?"
The portrait did have a year and the artist's name and, soon after posting, comments filled with questions and suggestions began to pour in.
Boutte was at the city dump to discard some items when a man parked next to him in a pickup truck was unloading items as well. One of the items was the portrait seen above.
During the conversation, Boutte found out that the portrait came "from a house behind the Fairfax House in Franklin."
Boutte also found out from the other gentleman that both of the subjects of the portrait are now deceased.
Convinced that the portrait has meaning to someone, Boutte set out to find the family of the people in the painting.
The clues: painted by Charles Munn in 1984, and the initials GAA on the gentleman's shirt pocket.
It didn't take long for people to chime in with guesses with one of the first guesses being quite funny: Jim and Tammy Faye Baker.
Of course, the initials GAA are a far cry from Jim and/or Tammy Faye, but more serious guesses began to show up on the comments.
It was only a short time until someone was able to identify the couple. The first serious guess happened to be correct.
Guy Aycock. That guess is in line with the initials on his shirt: GAA.
Guy and Colleen - now we are getting to people who knew the couple!
Comments from people who grew up in the area confirmed the location of the house where the portrait was found.
Boutte did the right thing by rescuing the portrait, a opinion shared by many commenting on the post. And not only did he rescue it and find the identity of the subjects,
but it also appears that he has been in contact with the Aycock's family members and will be returning the portrait to them.
Chad Boutte, you are a good man. Or, as Jimmy Saintes put it:
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