Moody Gardens Announces Holiday Plans
One of the most incredible holiday spectacles available within driving distance of Acadiana happens just across the Texas line in Galveston every year. That spectacle is Moody Garden's Annual Festival of Lights. There had been concerns raised about whether the event would happen in these pandemic times but the folks at Moody Gardens have just announced, the show will go on.
This year's Festival of Lights will open on November 21st. The one-mile trail features over two million lights. The incredible holiday scene is enhanced by music and animation that brings the Festival alive with holiday cheer.
Officials at Moody Gardens say there have been modifications put in place to help ensure guests' safety. The trail will allow for social distancing but not in such a way that it detracts from the event itself. The hope is that this year's Festival of Lights will offer folks, like you and me, a chance to remove some of the anxiety created by the coronavirus pandemic while still enjoying a one of a kind display.
Moody Gardens will also feature holiday films too. There will be Rudolph 4D and 3D films, plus an Arctic Slide, fireside s'mores, train rides, and exclusive deals on hotel stays at the property.
Be sure to check out the Holiday Pass when you book your visit and if you act now you certainly can get some excellent rates for a hotel room at the Moody Gardens hotel. This year's Festival of Lights will run from November 21st through January 2nd. The Festival will be operating on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
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