I received an email today from Robert E. Johnson, Sr, Senior Pastor at Louisiana Avenue United Methodist Church in Lafayette, and he wanted to let us know about their Drive-Thru Prayer Service.

According to the note, they are offering to pray with anyone who drives up on Good Friday, between 8am and noon.. The service is free, and it is open to the public, and since 2014 they’ve had over 100 people utilize the service each year. The church is trying to “meet people where they are hurting to bring change to their lives.”

Here is the content of the email I received:

To: Whom it may concern,

From : Louisiana Avenue United Methodist Church

Our faith community are a very missional faith community. We seek ways to meet the least of those. Every year for Good Friday, we host this event called "Drive Thru Prayers" which is open "free"to the public. People can drive up in their vehicles and never leave them and we go to their vehicles and pray with them. We have been doing this event since 2014 and there has been over 100 people driving thru for prayer each year. Our goal this year is to increase the person's driving thru, who are seeking prayers in a world that needs healing.

Our mission is to meet people where they are hurting to bring change to their lives. We pray you could help us to get the word out about this exciting event for the community. You may view our website to see the work our ministry that we have been doing in the community. I have attached a flyer for our Drive Thru Prayers event.
Website: www.louisianaavenueumc.com

Servant of God,
Robert E. Johnson, Sr.
Louisiana Avenue United Methodist Church
Senior Pastor
Cell: 985-688-8399
Office: 337-234-4338


If you are in need of prayers on Good Friday, you can drive up to LAUMC and, without exiting the vehicle, receive prayers from members of that church.

What are your feelings on this subject? I was brought up Catholic, so the thought of being able to receive blessings without having to endure an hour of ceremonious repetition makes me wish we had this when I was a kid!

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