For those who drive at night in any city with many street lights, we have a public service announcement for you, be very careful

A few nights ago, we were driving through Lafayette at night, and we couldn't help but notice how many people were driving without their headlights on. The streets are well-illuminated here, thus those driving without headlights often don't notice that their lights are off.

There were so many vehicles without lights on that we started counting them, and in a matter of minutes, we counted five.

I share this with you to remind you to be safe while driving at night, as my biggest fear is someone doesn't see a vehicle without their lights on and a major crash happens.

Luckily, most vehicles now are equipped with a feature that engages the lights once it's dark, but some aren't, and some drivers forget to put their lights on at night.

In recent weeks, I have seen others express their concerns about this on social media, so this isn't just happening in Lafayette. If your vehicle does not have the auto feature, slow down and take your time turning on your lights when driving at night.

The fine for driving without lights on is up to $25, and there are no court costs.

in Louisiana drivers must have their headlights on under the following conditions:

  • It's between sunset and sunrise
  • It's not clear what's on the road because of poor light or weather
  • It's raining or snowing and the windshield wipers are on
  • The driver is in a tunnel


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