Viral Trend Sweeping Louisiana – Put Toilet Paper in the ‘Fridge
The people of Louisiana are known for their fierce independence and free-thinking ways. We, the inhabitants of The Boot don't like to think of ourselves as "sheeple". We are not followers, we are leaders. Unless of course there is a new viral trend on the Internet then something happens and our brains turn to mush and we do stupid things.
Oh, you say you don't follow viral trends online? Well, put your fidget spinner down and stop doing that Harlem Shake thing while you're attempting plank during the ice bucket challenge and hear what we have to say about our state and the latest viral trend that is sweeping the nation.
The first thing you'll notice about this viral trend is that it involves toilet paper. I think the pandemic taught us that no matter the danger, the disease, or the threat to human life, we will have the proper paper to maintain hygiene in the buttocks region of our body. Think about any and every hurricane or flood you've lived through, the first items to go in short supply from the store are bread and toilet tissue.
And naturally, when you think of toilet tissue you want to make sure that it is always stored next to the food you eat, right? Well, according to the latest viral trend putting your toilet tissue in your refrigerator is not only the "cool thing" to do. It's allegedly beneficial to your health and well-being.
By the way, this isn't a new trend, it's been discussed online as far back as 2015. The premise is this. The 'fridge is cool and damp. It's a place where food odors can congregate and find their way into other foods making them taste really bad or even contributing to their decay. Toilet tissue will not only absorb some of the odors from your icebox, but it will reduce moisture in the fridge too.
Does Putting Toilet Paper in the Refrigerator Actually Work?
The answer to that based on the online research we did suggests that the answer to that question is a rousing, somewhat. Yes, it did reduce odor and moisture but it also took up a lot of space. And, to be honest, most people are taken aback by the notion of seeing toilet paper next to the food they are planning to eat. It's just not a good visual.
So in the words of the famous TV show Mythbusters, this would be plausible but not practical. You'd be better served controlling the stink with baking soda or activated charcoal. They work better than the T.P. and their appearance isn't as off-putting as seeing a six-pack of Charmin next to your six-pack Mike's Hard Lemonade.