It's a big weekend in Louisiana. There will be Christmas Parades, Christmas parties, and Christmas festivals, and in Lafayette, Louisiana there will be a championship football game played on Saturday night. Those in attendance will want to dress warmly and be comfortable. And for most of us, that means slipping into our favorite jeans.

Avie Huff via
Avie Huff via

But if you suddenly discover the jeans that fit perfectly last week don't fit this week because of Thanksgiving there is a way you can still wear them and not feel as if you're squeezed into them like a link of boudin. 

From the "Everything Old is New Again" department comes another life-changing lifestyle and overall fashion style enhancement from the content creators at TikTok. Okay, the hack comes from the TikTok user's grandmother but the social media platform has been instrumental in reviving what used to be a long-lost art form.

Alexander Schimmeck via
Alexander Schimmeck via

Perhaps a scenario such as this one has happened to you at some time in your life. You own a pair of jeans that look great, they're soft, and they have just the right amount of "lived-in" look that will really accentuate your outfit. The only problem is the jeans are a little too snug.

We've all been there. You know doing the jump up and down, lying on our backs, wriggling our butts, and forcing that darn britches over our well-rounded and filled-out curves. And while that kind of physical persuasion can eventually get you into those jeans. It won't do anything about the muffin top that's rolling over your belt line.

Itani Malange via YouTube
Itani Malange via YouTube

That's where this hack comes into play. Not only does this hack allow you to wear your jeans comfortably it actually "resizes" the pants so you don't have that unsightly roll around your mid-section.

So, what is the hack and how do I make it work?

Let's let TikTok User bug318 "spill the tea"


You heard her correctly. She wears a size 12. The jeans she purchased second-hand were a size 10. They were too snug. Her grandmother suggested she take a shower in the jeans and then wear them around the house for a bit. And low and behold not only do the jeans fit quite nicely, but it appears as though she now has some extra room for comfort.

Of course, the key is to let the jeans air dry after you've worn them wet for a while, and don't put them in the dryer, again. Those of us who grew up in denim from the late 60s and early 70s might recall this trick from way back then. It worked then, it works now.

alyssa day via YouTube
alyssa day via YouTube

The reason the hack works is because of the nature of cotton fibers. Those fibers are actually stronger when they are wet. That means they can handle being stretched and if you wear them wet and then let them conform to your shape you will find they stay stretched out. Just don't put them in the dryer.

If your jeans are too snug in certain areas of your body you can do squats to help stretch out the material around your thighs and but. If you really want a workout and want your jeans to get stretched really good try doing lunges. That will really help those wet pants assume your shape.

Waldemar Brandt via YouTube
Waldemar Brandt via YouTube

We hope this helps you feel more comfortable in the skin-tight jeans you're in or it at least allows you to wear a pair of jeans that are really your favorites. And you can still order a dessert at dinner too. Who knew wearing your clothes in the shower could save you so much money and keep you looking so good?

Then again you could always head for a carwash, remove your pants and place them on the hood of your car, and then...Nah, better just wash the car and do the jeans thing at home in the shower. But if you do have a dirty car.

5 Best Car Washes in Lafayette

Even though Lafayette seems to have more than enough car washes these days, we must have them for a reason. So we asked you which is your favorite car wash in the Hub City and here are the top five vote-getters.

Gallery Credit: Jude Walker

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