Ian’s Visionary Deer – Kid Joke of the Week
Five-year-old Ian has a funny joke about a visionary deer for this week's Fun Nation Kid Joke of the Week.
If your child has a joke to share with us, get out your phone and record it! Please keep it to 20 seconds or less. If we air your child's joke, he or she will receive 4 pack of passes to Fun Nation at 4518 W. Congress in Lafayette. Your video will also be featured at 999KTDY.com. You can email your video to kidjoke@999ktdy.com or submit thru our new app, now available on Google Play and the App Store.
Fun Nation is the perfect place to skate play and party! Have a blast skating to your favorite music, play on the all new indoor playground, and enjoy the arcade area. Fun for everyone in your family.
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