Holidays Are Here; Take A Moment For Yourself
As we get through this holiday season, you need to remember to take a moment for yourself.
And not just one moment throughout the season: you need to be certain to take time for yourself each day!
Soon, you'll be so busy with the shopping, baking, cleaning, decorating, searching, buying, wrapping, traveling, cleaning again, drinking, laughing, hugging, cleaning again, playing Santa, cooking, breaking up fights between the kids and constantly worried about the cat/tree that you may not take time for yourself.
To reduce holiday stress (and maybe keep some harmony in the family) it's a good idea to take a mental health break for yourself. It's easy to do and can be done just about anywhere.
Take a drive without music, or with the music blaring your favorites. Read a few affirmations from your favorite spiritual book. Stare out of the window for a little while and watch the world go by. Look at old photographs of your family and the times you've had together. Take a nap. Head to one of the nature trails in Acadiana for a stroll. Imagine yourself on a secluded beach, relaxing with the sound of the surf. Get up early in the morning, before the traffic gets busy, and head to the park or, if you are lucky enough, to your own backyard to listen to the birds and the frogs and the crickets.
I know that some of these may be too much to try to get done every day, but you need to try to have some "me" time each day.
Remember, if you aren't taking care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else.
Happy holidays!
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