Budweiser’s New ‘Whassup’ Commercial Will Tug at Heartstrings
Remember the old “Whassup” commercial? Well, whether you liked them or not, you’re guaranteed to love the new one that was just released by Budweiser. It has a very special message at the end that many may need to hear during the coronavirus pandemic. Former NBA stars, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade, WNBA star Candace Parker, and DJ D-Nice are part of the new ad.
They are all greeting one another on a Zoom-type video. Of course, the greetings are “Whassup?”, “Whassup with you?” They talk about the sporting events being canceled, coronavirus, and how they’re watching repeats of old games. It’s great. Wade’s wife even jumps in for a little while. After several rounds of the infamous “whassups”, Wade gets serious and sends a message out. A message that will tug at your heartstrings, especially if you know someone who struggles from anxiety and depression. A number for the Salvation Army is on the screen as he lets everyone know that people can call if they need to talk to someone. It’s obvious that Budweiser is trying to do more than just sell beer here. They want to help those suffering. The pandemic may have many people needing to talk to someone to help them deal with their emotions. Maybe it’s the loss of a job, maybe it’s a divorce, a loved one that died, the list goes on and on. The number they ask you to call if they need to talk to someone is The Salvation Army (844-458-HOPE).
What an incredible PSA. Now, I need a Bud.
READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now
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