Boy Scouts Overcome Fear Of Cooties; Girls To Be Admitted
In a unanimous dicision, the Boy Scouts board of directors voted to allow girls to enter into the Cub Scouts and, by 2019, will have programs geared toward the older girls.
In my opinion, it's about time.
According to NBC News, the Boy Scouts said that the decision reflects "the changing nature of American life, adding to the appeal of a scouting program that can serve the entire family". You've come a long way, baby!
The Scouts will give local dens the option of being all-boy or all-girl, so those worried about the sexes intermingling - well, the Scouts haven't advanced to that point (yet!).
Allowing girls into the Cub Scouts also paves the way for them to have an opportunity to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
How do you feel about this? Are you happy that girls are getting equal treatment, or would you rather them be kept out of the Boy Scouts?
(NBC News)
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