During a press conference that was being held this afternoon to shed more light on the details surrounding the Uvalde, Texas shooting that took the lives of 19 children, two teachers, and injured 16 other people yesterday things took quite a turn.

I was listening in to the press conference as I was in the car and things seemed to be going pretty smoothly. All local and state leaders were giving their updates on the information that had been learned since the shooting took place yesterday afternoon. However, halfway through the press conference there seemed to be a disruption of some sort. I of course could not see what was happening as I was driving but could hear someone from the audience start to question Governor Greg Abbott. I then heard some colorful language being exchanged between the leaders of the press conference and the person from the audience. When I was able to pull over I found out the person interrupting the press conference was Beto O’Rourke.

As you can see from the video above things got pretty heated.

People have taken to Twitter to express their disbelief that this situation took place or to applaud Beto for standing up and saying something.

Beto O'Rourke launched his campaign for Governor of Texas in March of this year. He is hoping to bet the current Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. So this exchange of words makes a little bit more sense once you know that the two are campaigning against each other. It does seem that the interruption at the press conference today was planned and thought out since he has been very vocal on his Twitter page regarding the shooting that took place in Uvalde yesterday.

Here is Beto O'Rourke taking to reporters after the outburst took place today:



You can view the full press conference below:

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