Beth LeBlanc Won $1,000.00 Listening To 99.9 KTDY!
Yes, real people do really win! Beth Leblanc was listening to 99.9 KTDY on Monday, May 15th, when she heard me give the $1,000.00 Cash Code. She went to, entered it, and won $1,000.00!! I asked if she'd made plans for the money. Beth replied, she & her family have just recently returned to their home damaged by the August flood. She plans to use the money for some new furniture. YOU could be our next $1,000.00 winner. Join CJ & Debbie Ray every weekday morning at 7:20. They'll give you the first of 2 Cash Codes for the day, and tell you when to listen for the second. Thank you for listening to 99.9 KTDY. Bon Chance!