Acadiana Symphony Looking For Interns
WANTED: Super Symphony Interns to be part of The Acadiana Symphony Orchestra and Conservatory of Music (ASO) Pit Krewe for Fall 2017 Semester...
Are you a current college student with a friendly attitude who can work a minimum of 10hrs/week? If you aren’t afraid of a little hard work & want to work for the COOLEST Symphony, here’s your chance!
ASO has ONLY 4 intern spots for the 2017 Fall Semester - ALL MAJORS ACCEPTED & CONSIDERED. So, use your best creative writing skills & tell ASO why YOU are THE right Super Symphony Intern candidate for The ASO Pit Krewe in 3-5 sentences!
Email your résumé & short paragraph to the executive director, Dana P. Baker at info@AcadianaSymphony.org on or before 5 pm on Monday, August 28th.
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