As more people are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Louisiana, Governor Edwards has the answer to four very important questions surrounding the vaccine.
Experts are warning people who receive their COVID-19 vaccine to not pose with their vaccination card on social media, scammers are waiting to take advantage of your photo.
The new rules take effect Monday and include workers at grocery store workers, IT workers, clergy, postal workers, those in the hotel industry, manufacturing, and many more.
The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, announced that he is ending all of the statewide pandemic restrictions that were put in place last year. Measures included in these restrictions, that will be lifted on March 10, 2021, are the statewide mask mandate as well as capacity restrictions at Texas businesses.
Governor Edwards announced during his press conference that individuals between the ages of 55-64 with one or more health conditions will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine starting on February 22, 2021. This move will also include teachers and support staff working on-site at K-12 schools as well as daycare staff.
Louisiana’s chief public health officer is warning hospitals, pharmacies and clinics that they should not be steering their coronavirus vaccine doses solely to their own patients.