Mitzi Breaux fills us in on the dos and don'ts of donating blood, and she talks about how you can get your very own Polyester Power Hour Blood Donor t-shirt!
The flu epidemic in Louisiana is having a major impact on the local blood supply. Because of this, United Blood Services is putting out the call for badly needed donations.
Prizes: dinner at Mr. Lester's Steakhouse, a Pandora bracelet, a GoPro, a 49" Smart LED TV, an Amazon Echo, a $300 Amazon gift card and other great prizes.
The first 100 successful donors will receive ride tickets for the Cajun Heartland State Fair, a free t-shirt, and a chance to win Garth Brooks concert tickets!
Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer vacation season. The season brings an average 20% decline in blood donations, while peak travel seasons bring a spike in the need for blood, and blood products.
The next few weeks bring a lot of celebration, travel, and unfortunately an increased need for blood & blood products. The folks at L. Leo Judice elementary have teamed with United Blood services for a blood drive...
September 10, 2016 has been established as National Blood Donation Day, and United Blood Services in Lafayette is offering special incentives to donors.
The recent flooding has disrupted nearly every aspect of life in south Louisiana. Disasters escalate the need for emergency supplies. That includes blood. Supplies are dangerously low. Mitzi Breaux stopped by to update us on the situation.
Blood supplies are at an extreme low right now at United Blood Services, and they are hoping that the annual Race Against The Clock marathon blood drive will encourage donors to donate.
United Blood Services issued an emergency appeal for donations last week. Supplies are dangerously low. The annual "Race Against the Clock" Marathon Blood Drive is set for this Thursday & Friday, July 14th & 15th.