Artist Goes Viral For Compelling Photos That Imagine A Society Without SmartphonesArtist Goes Viral For Compelling Photos That Imagine A Society Without SmartphonesWe're well aware of society's addiction to technology.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Emergency Notification Service Now Available In Iberia ParishEmergency Notification Service Now Available In Iberia ParishIberia Parish residents can now receive emergency notifications and official updates via their smartphones with the PINS service. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Your Old Smartphone Is More Useful Than You ThinkYour Old Smartphone Is More Useful Than You Think So, you have an old smartphone lying around that's been deactivated. It can still be quite useful...Steve WileySteve Wiley
Phubbing Could Be The Reason You Don’t Have Real FriendsPhubbing Could Be The Reason You Don’t Have Real FriendsPhubbing could be the reason that you're having trouble making and keeping friends and family in your life. However,there is something that can be done to eliminate phubbing from your life.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells