Our First "No Gifts!" Christmas Was... Different (OPINION)Our First "No Gifts!" Christmas Was... Different (OPINION)Have you had a "NO GIFTS!" Christmas yet? This year was our first, and it was different, to say the least.JayCeeJayCee
The Hottest Toys of 2021 That Lafayette Kids Want The Hottest Toys of 2021 That Lafayette Kids Want I have been researching toys for my boys for months and these are some of the hottest toys this holiday season.EllenEllen
Walmart Will Not Offer Layaway Program This Holiday SeasonWalmart Will Not Offer Layaway Program This Holiday SeasonWalmart announced that it will not offer its seasonal layaway program this year. EllenEllen
Christmas Gift Card TipsChristmas Gift Card TipsYou can't go wrong with giving someone a gift card, or can you? The Louisiana Attorney General shared a few gift card giving tips for the holiday season.Emily JEmily JJayCeeJayCee
Holiday Shipping DeadlinesHoliday Shipping DeadlinesIf you're hoping your presents make it under the tree this Christmas you might want to take a peek at these shipping cutoff dates.Emily JEmily JJayCeeJayCee