People in clown masks have targeted children, made threats of violence on social media, and one person has been murdered by a person in a clown mask. How should we deal with this 'clown outbreak?'
Acadiana natives The Pine Leaf Boys are on a State Dept tour in Turkey, and have not been harmed after a suicide bombing at the Instanbul Ataturk airport today
A school in North Carolina has banned skinny jeans and 'other excessively tight fitting pants unless worn with a top or dress that 'must cover the posterior in its entirety,'
Hundreds of onlookers and a media horde descended on Albert Asendorf's front yard in Gardiner, N.Y. Wednesday morning to watch his 80-year-old, 10-ton tree come down.
Donald Trump is down in the polls after being the front runner week after week. He's now second to Dr. Ben Carson. A guy by the name of Bill Whittle explains what you should love about Donald Trump.
The dating app called Clover just used algorithms, somewhat like Facebook uses to decide how many people see your posts, to figure out which states had the ugliest people and which ones had the hottest people. Louisiana's women didn't fare too well.
A Virginia TV reporter and her cameraman were killed earlier this morning in Moneta, Virginia following a shooting that took during a live broadcast on the WDBJ morning news program.
Katrina wreaked havoc on the Louisiana gulf coast causing death, destruction and destroying what many Louisiana citizens had worked so hard for all of their lives.