Both Texas and Louisiana are seeing a rise in a particular, dangerous fungal infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning.
So, Iga Japan is currently a city in crisis. Why? They're facing a ninja shortage. Let me blow your mind apart a little bit more. Being a ninja in Iga, Japan is an actual occupation that pays $85,000 reportedly.
Have you ever ordered tempura style fried seafood or vegetables at a restaurant and wondered how they did it? After searching the web, this appears to be the best, most authentic and easiest way to fry tempura style at home.
Remember that time you got super drunk, duct taped couch cushions to your body and smashed into things around the house like a human pinball? You don't?
First there was soda, carbonated sugar water that was sure to expand your waistline. Then there was "diet" soda, which didn't add any calories to the equation but was sweetened with chemicals that may not be so great for you.
Now, in Japan, there is something called Pepsi Special. This drink is so chock-full of chemicals -- mainly indigestible dextrin -- that there are claims it can actu
Okay, I only say that its weird; I haven't tried any of these 'treats'. I am guessing that I am adventurous enough to do so, though.
A quick search for 'Kracie Happy Kitchen' on Google brings up Do-It-Yourself soft cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, hamburgers and sushi candy kits. (Yes, sushi candy).
A Class-Action lawsuit has been filed against Lady Gaga, alleging she improperly profited from the sale of her "We Pray For Japan" bracelets.
(By: Mark Metcalfe Getty Images Entertainment )
JUSTIN BIEBER and U2 will appear on a new charity album to benefit Japan's earthquake and tsunami victims. Universal Music hopes to have it out by the end of the week so it'll be a digital-only release. The full lineup of artists...
This was taken, with permission, from Rob Perillo's post today on Facebook. Rob is the Chief Meteorologist for KATC TV3, and he was once employed at a (you guessed it!!) nuclear plant. Here is his view on the situation in Japan...
I have received a number of phone calls, emails, tweets and Facebook messages this week from concerned viewers about the potential radiation leaks from the earthquake/