Let Friends of Palmetto Island cook Sunday lunch for you and your family on Sunday, September 7! All proceeds benefit Friends of Palmetto Island, a group that supports the park.
This time, in our series created from things we have found "in our own backyard", we focus on another Acadiana treasure: Evangeline Maid Bread.
I attended a family reunion over the weekend (the Richard Family, originally from Cow Island) at Palmetto Island State Park. It wasn't my first time at the park, but it was the first time I got to see the Meeting Room and the Splash Pad.
The park, maintained through cooperation between the Lafayette Consolidated Government and the Vietnam Veterans of American (VVA), Acadiana Chapter (Hill 141), has served as the setting for many events, including Memorial Day ceremonies, Veterans' Day ceremonies, remembrance services, birthday parties, anniversary parties, and group get-togethers.