horse racing

Desormeaux Seeks Fourth Derby
Desormeaux Seeks Fourth Derby
Desormeaux Seeks Fourth Derby
Keith Desormeaux is the oldest of six siblings from Maurice. His younger brother Kent is a little more widely known. This Saturday, they team up to hopefully win their first Run for the Roses together.
Woman Eats Her Horse
Woman Eats Her Horse
Woman Eats Her Horse
What do you think? Do you have a problem trying "other" foods, foods that we are not accustomed to consuming here in the US?
Louisiana Colt and Female Jockey In Kentucky Derby
Louisiana Colt and Female Jockey In Kentucky Derby
Louisiana Colt and Female Jockey In Kentucky Derby
A Louisiana bred colt named Vicar’s In Trouble will run in Saturday’s 140th Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky. Jockey Rosie Napravnik is the regular rider of Vicar’s in Trouble, a front-runner who was never threatened in taking the $1 million Louisiana Derby...