Louisiana Man Trying to Set King Cake World RecordLouisiana Man Trying to Set King Cake World RecordA Louisiana man is deliciously working to set a World Record when it comes to king cake in hopes of becoming known as "The King Cake King".Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
CBS Presents "Adele One Night Only" CBS Presents "Adele One Night Only" Adele mania is about to ramp up as CBS presents "Adele One Night Only".CJCJ
Teen Cuts Hair for First Time in 12 Years For World Record [VIDEO]Teen Cuts Hair for First Time in 12 Years For World Record [VIDEO]18-year-old Nilanshi Patel from India donated her 6-foot ponytail to Ripley’s Believe it or NotStephanie CristStephanie Crist