
Should You Get A Flu Shot Or Not
Should You Get A Flu Shot Or Not
Should You Get A Flu Shot Or Not
After having sever head congestion, coughing and body aches for several days I decided to see ENT-otolaryngologist Dr. Kim Daykin, MD to make sure it wasn't the flu. Turns out it is just a cold but like so many people in this country, I was faced with making the decision whether or not to get the flu shot.
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Steve Wiley Kills The KTDY 'Cooties' [Video]
I swear, CJ is a 21st century Typhoid Mary! He picks up every bug that comes down the pike. This has been a tough flu season. We at KTDY haven't been lucky enough to avoid it. CJ, Debbie Ray, Jaycee, and I have all gotten the bug. CJ has been hit the hardest.

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