In a new promotion, Domino's is allowing people to nominate their town for them to come in and fill pot holes. We all know Louisiana roads are something to behold as far as pot holes are concerned.
Students from Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana were in chapel service when the teacher ordered two pizzas, the lesson learned was priceless.
I've never been to the Netherlands, but by the looks of this video, many people commute on bicycles. From the story I read associated with this video, the new electric scooters that Domino's uses for delivery are so quiet, they were startling the bicyclists.
Besides the fact that pizza is delicious, did you know it can also save lives?
At least in the case of 82-year-old Jean Wilson who calls Domino's every day at 10 a.m. to order a large pepperoni pizza and two Diet Cokes. When her order didn't come through for several days in a row, delivery driver Susan Guy became concerned and went to check on Wilson, calling 911 when she received no response.