With the opening of Baz Luhrmann's "Elvis," nationwide this Friday, the King of Rock 'n' Roll is back in the building. Elvis mania is everywhere, even in the examining rooms of a prominent Lafayette plastic surgeon.
The most popular cosmetic surgery in America is breast augmentation, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. More than a quarter million American women have the procedure every year. The New York Post reports, an increasing number are regretting it...
Before I get attacked, I mean those ABNORMALLY BIG, cosmetically altered over-sized lips. I'm all for using modern science to look better, but come on.
We all start fighting old age from the minute we're born if you get right down to it. One very old man gave himself a makeover, and in the end, looked like a man in his 20s.
While you may think breast augmentations and nose jobs are most popular among vain people with cash to blow on plastic surgery, the latest cosmetic enhancement trend may surprise you.
It’s chin augmentations.