Bourbon Street

Takeout Alcohol Sales in NOLA Now Prohibited
Takeout Alcohol Sales in NOLA Now Prohibited
Takeout Alcohol Sales in NOLA Now Prohibited
Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans announced today that takeout sales of alcohol will no longer be allowed, which closes all remaining bars that were operating in take-out capacities in NOLA.
Could Closing Doors On Bourbon Street Help Curb Crime?
Could Closing Doors On Bourbon Street Help Curb Crime?
Could Closing Doors On Bourbon Street Help Curb Crime?
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The mayor of New Orleans wants to force bars along Bourbon Street to close their doors after 3 a.m. in an attempt to reduce violence in the city. Mayor Mitch Landrieu stresses that the bars and clubs will still be allowed to stay open, they just have to close their doors...