Blood Drive

Blood Supply Critical
Blood Supply Critical
Blood Supply Critical
Prizes: dinner at Mr. Lester's Steakhouse, a Pandora bracelet, a GoPro, a 49" Smart LED TV, an Amazon Echo, a $300 Amazon gift card and other great prizes.
MASH Bash Blood Drive Until 7 PM
MASH Bash Blood Drive Until 7 PM
MASH Bash Blood Drive Until 7 PM
The first 100 successful donors will receive ride tickets for the Cajun Heartland State Fair, a free t-shirt, and a chance to win Garth Brooks concert tickets!
Blood Drive At Cajun
Blood Drive At Cajun
Blood Drive At Cajun
In conjunction with their annual gumbo cookoff, the Cajun Harley Owner's Group (Cajun HOG) will be holding their annual blood drive.
Lourdes Blood Drive To Help Defray Medical Costs For Patients Of The Sugar N’ Spice Accident
Lourdes Blood Drive To Help Defray Medical Costs For Patients Of The Sugar N’ Spice Accident
Lourdes Blood Drive To Help Defray Medical Costs For Patients Of The Sugar N’ Spice Accident
Earlier this month, everyone across Acadiana collectively held our breath and said a prayer when we heard a vehicle had crashed into Sugar N' Spice Daycare on Beadle Rd. in Lafayette. One teacher and three babies were injured in the accident. Our Lady Of Lourdes is looking to help those folks, along with helping to feed Acadiana's hungry for Thanksgiving.
Annual Marathon Blood Drive
Annual Marathon Blood Drive
Annual Marathon Blood Drive
Blood supplies are at an extreme low right now at United Blood Services, and they are hoping that the annual Race Against The Clock marathon blood drive will encourage donors to donate.
United Blood Services Has Issued An Emergency Appeal For Blood
United Blood Services Has Issued An Emergency Appeal For Blood
United Blood Services Has Issued An Emergency Appeal For Blood
The holidays usually means low blood supplies and this 4th of July proved no different. Plummeting blood donations since Memorial Day has forced United Blood Services to issue an emergency appeal for all blood types.
Blood Drive
Blood Drive
Blood Drive
UBS and the U.S. Army Reserve have teamed up to save lives for Memorial Day and hook donors up with tickets for the Cajun Heartland State Fair.
Race The Clock Blood Drive
Race The Clock Blood Drive
Race The Clock Blood Drive
This year they are aiming for 700 pints of blood!! They have A LOT of great prizes this year, including Garth Brooks tickets and a dream vacation! The list of prizes that you could win, including Garth Brooks tickets and Apple watches,
Life For 3 Blood Drives
Life For 3 Blood Drives
Life For 3 Blood Drives
They will donate $3 for each blood donation made to either the American Cancer Society (Acadiana Area) or to the American Lung Association!

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