Today is Leap Day and I am celebrating by desperately trying to turn back the hands of time by committing to an anti-aging skincare routine. Luckily thousands of Amazon customers have already done the elbow work to bring us the most affordable, most effective products out there.
The dating app called Clover just used algorithms, somewhat like Facebook uses to decide how many people see your posts, to figure out which states had the ugliest people and which ones had the hottest people. Louisiana's women didn't fare too well.
Before I get attacked, I mean those ABNORMALLY BIG, cosmetically altered over-sized lips. I'm all for using modern science to look better, but come on.
Martha Christy, an author and beauty expert in England claims to have the key to having perfect skin. What she wants you to rub on it, is very unusual and will probably gross you out. (PLEASE NOTE CONTENT)
Flaws are OK. That is what singer Lorde is preaching on Twitter, but the singer, who we need to remember is just 17, is not paying lip service to the concept. She is not showing -- she is doing. She shared an Photoshopped image and a real one, pointing out the difference.
Christie Brinkley, once married to legendary singer Billy Joel, is turning 60 Sunday and you will never believe the way she looks. Have you seen her lately? Wow!
Like men's razors, women's razors have certainly change over the years, two blades, three blades, four, even five blades and the price keeps going up and up, so which razors won't waste your money?