Local Grocery Store Shares Tips for Shopping During Pandemic
Nunu's Fresh Market, a local grocery store in Youngsville, shared some great tips for shopping during the coronavirus outbreak.
From the "One Person Per Household" tip to keep the number of people exposed to each other at a minimum to "Wear A Mask If You Have One", these tips are great advice for anyone headed out for necessities.
- Shop only once per week or less.
- Have a grocery list to help make your stay in the store short
- Don't stockpile-shop (be kind and buy just the amount you need).
- Wear gloves into the store, touch only what you will purchase, and dispose of the gloves IN A WASTE RECEPTACLE once you get the groceries into the car.
- Wipe down all of your groceries before bringing them into your home.
- Spray down your vehicle where you transported the groceries.
- Don't touch your face or your mask, especially with gloved hands.
- Maintain at least a 6ft distance from other people.
- Look for signs/directions on the floor of the store and abide by them (some stores are making their aisles one-way only)